How it works:

  • Get in touch with me! We’ll talk over your ideas & goals for the photos to determine the best time & place for the pictures. Shoots can be on the location of your choice, in my home studio, in your home or some combination of those: whatever works best for you! The session usually lasts around an hour.


  • Kids are happiest when they are not tired & not hungry, so try and work around nap schedules whenever possible.

  • Extra outfit… couldn’t hurt.

  • What are they into right now? Fruit loops? Super heroes? Trucks? Ballerinas? Bubbles? Skateboards? These can be great things to work into the shoot somehow. It shows them as they are at this moment in time. Plus they get really into it cause it’s their favorite thing.

  • Be prepared [mentally & physically] to be in the shot. Sometimes dad’s leg or mom’s shoulder turn into a fabulous prop. 

  • Kids will be kids… you definitely can’t force it. It works best to follow their lead. If it is an off day, we can easily reschedule. Kids pick up on stress, so the more relaxed we are, the more fun for everyone!


  • Not sure what to wear? A great thing to do is look around online at other family photos to get ideas.  My suggestion is to go with something that fits your style & needs for these particular photos. I usually suggest going with something coordinating rather than matching. This makes the photo more interesting and gives more personality to each person.

  • Hooray for photos! [keep saying this until you believe it] 

  • Location, Location, Location.  There are loads of beautiful parks and Beaches nearby… but don’t be afraid to think outside the box!  Family water ballon fight? Baking cookies? Riding bikes? Playing baseball? Picnic hike? Planting flowers? How do you spend time together as a family? Why not have a photo-documentary style photos that show more of who you are? [We can always do some classic ones too!]


  • This is a chance to tell the story of you & what you were all about in high school. Bring along your instrument, favorite t-shirt, surfboard, dog, sketchpad, volleyball, car, best friend… whatever makes it you.

  • You can bring as many outfits as you want… but more than 4 or 5 makes it really tough to narrow down your favorites later.

  • Bring at least 1 nice outfit for some classic shots for your relatives. Grandma will thank you.

  • Wake up with a zit on picture day?  Murphy’s law strikes again! No problem, I can magically make it go away.


  • Get ready to have fun. You have a good chance of doing at least 3 of the following: Laying in the grass, looking like you like each other, climbing a tree, walking half a  mile, smiling so much your face hurts, jumping, giving a piggy back ride, kissing, hearing the phrase “trust me, this is gonna look awesome!”

  • Why not bring something sentimental or unique to your relationship? Perhaps it’s matching Red Sox hats, ticket stubs from your first date or something that represents a common interest like cycling or underwater basket weaving.